Maarten, weet je dat het straks gaat sneeuwen! Zit net een artikel te lezen over nelson waarbij je het gevoel zou kunnen krijgen dat de winter niet heel dichtbij meer is. Helemaal na het zien van de foto’s die bij het artikel afgedrukt staan.

The West Kootenays is an out-of-the-way and, some would say, way-out region between the Rockies and the Okanagan. But head down the winding Crowsnest Highway, and you’ll find a gentrified scene in places like Nelson. Everybody’s favourite college town without a college, it’s a magnet for artists and outdoorsy types from Calgary and Vancouver. (Is there another spot where lunch means choosing between Japanese and whatever’s not cooking at the vegan raw food café? ) In the winter it’s all about skiing, but the golfers come out the minute the ground thaws. Meanwhile, wineries have popped up in both Trail and Creston, while the artisan village at Crawford Bay is a Kootenays original. Which proves that a little gentrification never hurts.