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James Dean

Zat 19 Mrt ’16  |  Country Flag Nelson 667m  |    -4.5 ℃     10.6 ℃   |    |    

Dibs! Dibs! Dibs!

My brother and I have this funny game where whenever you see a nice car (nicer than ours) you yell Dibs! before the other person can! Well after a while we got a little tired of calling dibs on so many BMW’s and Audi’s until we spotted a Ferrari and our mouths just dropped!

It was nice to be by the ocean and to do a little sightseeing (and shopping). We ate delicious apple tarts and cupcakes, took a water taxi to Granville Island, enjoyed the sun in Stanley Park and even saw a tree growing on top of a massive skyscraper!

We even crossed a very high bridge on foot with an amazing view while my brother clung on to my dad’s arm for his fear of heights. (see the picture below)



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James Dean
James Dean
James Dean
James Dean
James Dean
James Dean
James Dean
James Dean
James Dean
James Dean
James Dean
James Dean
James Dean
James Dean
James Dean
James Dean
James Dean


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